Congress at the Kynžvart Chateau

Strategic meetings of diplomatic leaders on the future of Europe

In 1840 one of the post-Napoelonic crises culminated among European powers, caused by divided process of European states towards the Middle East crisis. Muhammed Ali, the Egyptian vice-regent, rised up against his sultan Mehmet II in the Ottoman Empire. Situation went so far that Ottomans lost their army, fleets and even sultan. Young Sultan Abdülmecit I would have been left at the mercy of Muhammad Alí as far as European priority hadn´t been to keep the Ottoman Empire henceforth cohesive. The Empire desintegration would have caused most probably  protracted war conflict among European powers which had fought for parts of formerly rich Empire. Due to the risk, European powers like Great Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia stood for the sultan, nonetheless France intervened more in favour of unsuccesfull insurgent, vice-regent Muhammad Alí.  Accordingly, France was omitted from following peace agreements First London Convention concluded in Britain. Due to the act of omission France began to arm and threatened Europe with war, foremost in German Rheinland, the birthplace of chancellor Metternich. The Rhein crisis was perceived very intensively in Europe. Therefore, on August 1840 chancellor Metternich called together his European diplomatic colleagues to find a solution in newly reconstructed chateau Kynžvart.

by François Gérard, 1810

Klemens Wenzel Lothar Johann Nepomuk, 2nd Prince von Metternich-Winneburg (1773–1859), Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1809, 1821–1848 Chancellor of the Habsburg House, Court and State. In 1848 he resigned due to the unsustainable revolutionary situation. After three years of exile, he returned at the request of the Austrian emperor. Family motto: "Kraft im Recht" - "There is power in law."


by John Partridge, 1846

Frederick James Lamb, 3rd Viscount of Melbourne, (1782-1853), known as Lord Beauvale, British Ambassador to Austria from 1839-1848

Count Carl Ludvik Ficquelmont, Austrian Ambassador to Russia